The Gold Coast Multiple Birth Assistance Association Inc. (a regional, not for profit branch of the Australian Multiple Birth Association), was founded in 1980 as a support network for the growing number of Gold Coast parents joining the ranks of twin, triplet and Higher Order Multiples.

GCMBA is open to all parents (natural, foster and adoptive) of multiple birth children. We provide information, practical assistance and support for multiple birth families.  We are proud to have increased awareness of the social and practical needs of multiple birth families and to have improved the resources available to them.

Helping you connect with local multiple birth families



Southport Playgroup

  • 1 Griffith Way
  • 05-08-2024
  • 09:30 – 11:30

Come and join us for a monthly catch up over a coffee or chat. This is open to all ages and ev... More Details

Nerang Playgroup

  • Nerang Uniting Church
  • 15-08-2024
  • 09:30 – 11:30

This playgroup is focused on our younger children, with minimal setup and toys, as it’s all about... More Details

Southport Playgroup

  • 1 Griffith Way
  • 02-09-2024
  • 09:30 – 11:30

Come and join us for a monthly catch up over a coffee or chat. This is open to all ages and ev... More Details